Liquid ATOM Staking

Unlock Liquidity of OSMO

Liquid Stake OSMO with 75 Osmosis validators to enjoy the best of both worlds—OSMO staking rewards & stkOSMO DeFi opportunities.
0.00 OSMO
Total Value Unlocked

Why liquid stake your

Decentralize your OSMO stake

Deposit any non-zero amount of OSMO to stake through pSTAKE’s diverse validator set of 75 automatically selected validators to decentralize the Osmosis network & earn staking rewards.

Get OSMO liquidity in a flash

Swap stkOSMO on Osmosis or use pSTAKE's unique Flash Unstake feature to receive liquid OSMO.

Safe, Secure, and Solid

pSTAKE’s implementation on the Persistence core-1 chain is audited by leading security firms like Halborn and Oak Security with an active Immunefi Bug Bounty program

Liquid Staking OSMO

Liquid ATOM Staking

Stake OSMO

Deposit any non-zero amount of OSMO to stake through pSTAKE’s diverse validator set (automated stake delegation and rebalancing) & earn staking rewards.

Liquid ATOM Staking

Receive stkOSMO

Get liquid stkOSMO in return which increases in value relative to your staked amount every staking rewards epoch.

Liquid ATOM Staking

Participate in DeFi

Put your stkOSMO to work across Osmosis and Cosmos Ecosystems with various opportunities in the DeFi tab on pSTAKE’s application.

stkOSMO Security Partners




FAQs about OSMO Liquid Staking

  • pSTAKE follows a new and decentralised automated stake delegation strategy that will distribute your OSMO stake evenly with 75 validators. These validators are selected automatically based on parameters such as voting power, commission, uptime, governance participation, and part of the active set without any slashing instance.
  • stkOSMO follows an exchange rate model (also known as the cToken Model), which results in stkOSMO increasing in value against OSMO as the protocol accrues staking rewards. Thus, 1 stkOSMO is worth more after each reward epoch or 24 hours. Liquid stakers are given stkOSMO tokens at the prevailing exchange rate at the moment they stake.
  • Usually, the unbonding process of staked OSMO is 14-17 days. If regularly unstaked, users can get the underlying OSMO back for stkOSMO in ~14 days. Interestingly, pSTAKE provides a unique ‘Flash Unstake’ feature, which allows for instant unbonding if the daily deposits match withdrawal requests.
  • Yes, pSTAKE charges a 10% protocol fee solely on auto-compounded staking rewards. No additional fees are applied for standard staking or unstaking operations. Please also note that for the ‘flash unstake’ feature, a nominal 1% fee is charged to offer instant redemptions.
  • stkOSMO is minted on the Persistence Core-1 chain. It follows a similar implementation and technical architecture to stkATOM on the Persistence chain. Learn more about it  here
  • stkOSMO differentiates itself through decentralization, alignment, and innovation. With pSTAKE’s new automated stake decentralisation strategy, it decentralizes the Osmosis network by distributing stake between 75 validators while maintaining constant liquid staking alignment with Osmosis chain. Additionally, pSTAKE aims to establish deep stkOSMO liquidity in the Osmosis ecosystem. Innovating Osmosis LSTfi, pSTAKE introduces a unique 'Flash Unstake' feature, enabling instant redemption.

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pSTAKE Finance is making BTC yield-generating with a liquid staking solution for the $1T+ Bitcoin market.